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Saturday, December 12, 2020


Article by Johnious Tumusiime

Have you ever wondered why many youth in developing countries are “bayaaye”?! You might have ever, or maybe, you think it is the kind of life they prefer, or you think it is not your business to think about bayaaye and their life. I am one of those people that rarely take for granted anything affecting my countrymate, even though such thing may not be directly affecting me personally.

Let me in the first place give you the meaning of “bayaaye”! Bayaaye is a common term in Ugandan languages that is used to refer to “rogue people”. Bayaaye (rogue people) or Abayaaye (rogue people) is plural and its singular is Muyaaye (rogue) or Omuyaaye (a rogue) respectively. According to online dictionaries, a rogue (omuyaaye) is a mean, mischievous, bad, evil, or unprincipled person, who is often liked by people not minding his or her bad character. However, the same word, muyaaye is also commonly used to refer to refer to “hooligan” or “bad guy”. The lifestyle of omuyaaye or abayaaye is commonly referred to as kiyaaye lifestyle or buyaaye, while the acts of omuyaaye or abayaaye are commonly referred to as obuyaaye, or eby’ekiyaaye.

Uganda is one of the countries with many bayaaye, common everywhere, urban and rural but more in urban. Whereas, it is very bad, in the traditions of Uganda to be omuyaaye, and considered abnormal, many Ugandans are becoming bayaaye day and night.

I recently spent some time studying the life of bayaaye and came to understand the reason they choose to live such life. In fact, it is not anyone’s chice to be omuyaaye. The strongest reason people choose to lead the kiyaaye lifestyle is that they are poor, hopeless and worried!

Extreme poverty is the commonest characteristic among bayaaye. Well, there are some people who choose to live the kiyaaye lifestyle while they are not poor but they are the fewest, and, if well traced still, many of these start living this lifestyle while they are still young, poor and either hopeless or in hard struggles for hope, and end up getting addicted to this lifestyle.

One of the worst boosting agents of the kiyaaye lifestyle is discrimination. Discrimination, often being a result of the gap between the poor and the rich, or tribalism or religious beliefs causes hopelessness which in turn forces people, especially the youth to choose the kiyaaye lifestyle.

The other is poor upbringing of children by their family heads, which is also, on clear analysis, a result of poverty, discrimination, low education and hopelessness.

There is no way you can describe a muyaaye without the word “poverty”. Every muyaaye has, either in one’s background, history or present-day life the word “poverty”.

The government of Uganda has many times condemned obuyaaye, though the question remains, has the government done enough in preventing people from being abayaaye?

Keep following this site both on website and social media so you don’t miss the other articles coming to complement this one. In the following articles, we shall see how harmful it is to have many bayaaye in the country, why it is hard to fight obuyaaye, how best we can fight obuyaaye, how the bayaaye can be helped to overcome their challenges and become good citizens, etc.

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Friday, October 9, 2020




Uganda is a landlocked country located in the East of Africa, neighbored by South Sudan in the North, Kenya in the East, Tanzania in the South, Rwanda in the Southwest and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the West. It is a country of different groups of people (tribes), speaking different languages, having different cultures but with many characteristics in common.

Uganda is composed of a number of Kingdoms and Chiefdoms which have been existing for so many years even before the coming of the colonialists.

In April, 1875, Kabaka Mutesa I of Buganda Kingdom, under influence of Henry Morton Stanley, a British explorer; wrote a letter to the queen of England, Queen Victoria, requesting for the coming of Missionaries in his kingdom. The missionaries later came but in groups, with the first group arriving in June, 1877 under leadership of Alexander Murdoch Mackay.

However, the missionaries did not do as Kabaka Mutesa I had thought. This annoyed the top leadership of Buganda and several other Kings of Ugandan kingdoms. This was because the missionaries were extending their influence beyond the boundaries of Buganda where they were invited. Worse of it, they brought in separations among people of the same kingdoms when they preached against some cultural practices including the great respect that was being given to the kings (whom they termed as earthly kings).

Many kings and chiefs of Ugandan Kingdoms started planning to rub the word Christianity out of their kingdoms and this was one of the major reasons for the killing of several missionaries and the burning of the Uganda Christian Martyrs who are celebrated on the 3rd day of June every year.

The British were so touched by the killing of their missionaries and the Uganda Christian Martyrs because they had planned and the missionaries were expected, besides preaching of the good Gospel of God, to help the British colonialists take over rulership of the whole Uganda with ease. This is the reason for the say that "The flag (The Union Jack) followed the cross (The Gospel / Christianity).

However, The British did not give up on their mission after the death of their precedents. So they sent strong men like Capt. Fredrick Lugard who was tasked with the responsibility to fulfil their mission. Capt. Lugard, a strong British warrior, made several arrangements which included use of the IBEAC (Imperial British East Africa Company), restoration of Christianity, strengthening of formal education, use of collaborators,  and several others. Besides, Capt. Lugard handled some issues as a soldier using his military skills and others using political skills. For example, he used to fight wars, divide some authorities technically and then present himself to either side as the only innocent and supportive subject among other technics.

Through such series of activities and events Ugandan kings ended up losing their authorities and powers to the British who later declared themselves colonialists of this beautiful land of the innocent God's people.

Ugandans of the colonial error were put to unbearable suffering and denied their rights a thing that resulted into death of many. For example, land ownership was restricted to some classes of people and most of the land was given to the colonial government and the collaborators. The kings were psychologically tortured, denied any authority and some killed and others forced into exile. Tax payment was mandated to every household and yet none was given chance to inquire about the purpose of the tax. The suffering and torture of the Ugandans by the colonialists and the collaborators was too much and no one can explain it and make it be felt exactly as it was, even though it is said that Ugandans were not sentenced to much suffering if compared to other colonies like Kenya or South Africa.

The only good thing was that a few (often male) Ugandans who did not by any means express hate for the colonialists were permitted to school. That is how people like Dr. Apollo Milton Obote, Kabaka Mutesa 2 and several others got chance to be educated.

In the later time, Ugandans started the struggle to regain their independence. The educated and the high class Ugandans such as kings and chiefs led the campaign to demand for Independence. They formed political parties through which they united several other Ugandans in the campaign.

The key political parties that were formed to demand for independence were:

Uganda people's Congress (U.P.C) which was led by the late  Milton Obote;

Kabaka Yekka(KY) led by the late Kabaka  Muteesa II and,

Democratic Party (DP) led by the late Benedicto Kiwanuka

The struggle took long though not as long as it did in many other colonies because Ugandans were organised and did not use much violence like the case was with other countries.

Tuesday 9th October 1962 became the day of Uganda's Pride, a day to celebrate every year, a day to be remembered always in the history of Uganda. It is the day Uganda attained her independence. The Uganda flag was raised and the Union Jack lowered. Akorimo kanuti raised the Uganda Flag for the first time.

The instruments of power were given to Dr. Apollo Milton Obote who became the first Executive Prime Minister.

Kabaka Mutesa II was the first President of Uganda but did not have executive powers.

Sir William Wilberforce Nadiope the then Kyabazinga of Busoga was the first vice president of Uganda.

Click in the image to go to Best Solutions Uganda Business site

Important External Links for reference about this article

Lwengo District Local Government Website

Click in Image to view live updates on COVID-19 in Uganda


Sunday, September 27, 2020




After six months of the closure of all public gatherings including places of worship, open church Sunday services resume on the 27th of September, 2020 following the presidential speech last week.

According to President Museveni, during his national address on the status of COVID-19 in the country, all worship places were allowed to open following strict SOPs to ensure the safety of worshipers.

"Church leaders must ensure this directive is adhered to along with other SOPs of social distancing, wearing masks and washing hands before entering places of worship," Museveni says.

On top of that, only seventy people are allowed inside the church per service. However, night prayers and Sunday school for children were canceled as they monitor the situation.

In a bid to put all these measures in action, churches like Lubaga Cathedral have been seen registering worshipers before entering the church, a limited number of attendance, and sanitizing their hands as well.


However, reports indicate that the number of people in churches exceeds seventy but with social distancing observed.

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Samuel Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu, Ugandan Anglican Bishop says, it's challenging to choose the seventy people to attend church. Thus, people to attend church are to be chosen in good faith and others will pray online. Letting all people pray on Sunday means having 75 church masses a day which is impossible

In addition, more requirements like sanitizers, masks for church choirs, and materials for offertory collection are needed to ensure safety. Therefore people should be patient and should also continue conducting family prayers at home as it has been.

Currently, prayer services have been adjusted from three to four in order to have more people attending church. However, the usual church services have been cut by thirty minutes.

Click in image to go to Best Solutions Uganda business site

Click in image to get live updates on COVID-19 in Uganda

Friday, September 25, 2020


It has come to our knowledge that Mr. Kasisi Abraham Talik, a man of great vision is one of the persons contesting for Member of Parliament for  Bukoto Mid West Constituency. Talking to our reporter, Mr. Talik, a resident of Mpumudde Parish, Ndagwe Sub County in Bukoto Mid West Constituency - Lwengo District, said this is the right time for the people of Bukoto Mid West to enjoy the fruits of the tree they planted themselves in their own area.

"I am not only a born of this constituency but also a grown-up of the same. I have realised the necessity of my participation in the serving of my constituency and my district," Talik says.

Talik also told us that he is the right person to trust, and that he is confident because he can see the ball rolling towards him.

"I have the vision! I want to see development in my constituency, yet without having my vision effected, development remains a dream not a reality."

Talik advises the people of Bukoto Mid West and Lwengo District to be very careful and wise as they cast their vote, saying that a mistake made during an election is a mistake to regret not only throughout the political term but throughout the future of the area.

"It is important to consider individuals, gauging their abilities and their love to serve you. It is not about one's wealth, appearance or education levels; it is about one's honesty," Talik claims.

In regard to standing as an independent candidate, Talik says he does not want to be limited by policies or affiliations as he serves his people.

"At this time our constituency needs individuals not parties. Parties are good but they are not too necessary in the present situation. Bukoto Mid West needs a person who can listen to all people, consider all persons equal and then serve them without limitation. That is the reason I come as an independent candidate - I don't want to separate or be separated from my people," Talik explains.

According to the Kasiisi Abraham Talik Manifesto 2021 - 2026, Talik is to put much emphasis on the five pillars of development, I.e. Education, Health, Electricity supply, Clean water and Roads construction / rehabilitation. On top of that, Talik promises to promote the agricultural sector which he believes to be employing about 75% or more of the total population of Bukoto Mid West Constituency.

"I am committed to implementing a comprehensive policy package that will accelerate the transformation of the agricultural sector, enhance agricultural productivity, increase agricultural output, and create new and well-paying jobs. Our plan is to make Ugandan farming, cattle keeping and fishing communities, drive the transformation of the sector," Talik states in his Manifesto.


Bukoto Mid West Constituency is one of the constituencies that compose Lwengo District. It was declared constituency in the year 2001 with the Late Hon. Kezimbira Miyingo being its first Member of Parliament. Currently, Hon. Joseph Muyomba who was beaten in the recent NRM Primaries Election is the Member of Parliament for Bukoto Mid West Constituency.

The constituency covers two Sub counties and one town council, sixteen Parishes and one hundred ninety villages. Most residents of this constituency live on Agriculture especially crop farming (peasantry) as their main occupation and source of income.

About 53% of the population in Bukoto Mid West are female. A bigger percentage of the residents are the youth and children. According to Lwengo District Local Government Statistical Abstract 2018 - 2019, the constituency has a total of twenty UPE Schools, six USE Schools and one Government BTVT (Technical) School. 

The whole constituency has only three government health centres with one in Ndagwe Sub County and two in Lwengo Rural Sub County.


Full Name: Kasisi Abraham Talik

Date of Birth: 12th September, 1993

Name of Father: Late Kasisi Abdullah Akim (R.I.P)

Name of Mother: Mrs. Nakalema Haddijjah Kasisi

Clan: Nte

Religion: Muslim

Nationality: Ugandan

Profession: Business Administration and Management / Public Administration

Occupation: Managing Director at Naptech Engineering Company Limited


Primary: Kyeyagalire UMEA P/S - Ndagwe

Secondary: Ndagwe SS

High School: Mbuulire HS

University / Tertiary

Victoria University: Bachelor's Degree in Enterprise Resource Planning

Petroleum Institute of East Africa: Certificate in Petroleum Data Analysis

Ndejje University: Diploma in Public Administration

Click in the image to go to Best Solutions Uganda Business site

Important External Links for reference about this article

Lwengo District Local Government Website

Click in Image to view live updates on COVID-19 in Uganda

Monday, September 21, 2020



President Museveni has allowed schools, technical, and all institutions to reopen for only finalist students with effect from October 15th, 2020.

On the 18th of March, 2020, the president of Uganda H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni issued the first strict thirteen directives to be followed by Ugandans in a bid to curb COVID-19.

Among these, the major was the closure of all the primary and secondary schools as well as all the universities and tertiary institutions for a month starting on the 20th of March, 2020 at midday.

One of the Secondary Schools during the lockdown (empty compound view)

However, on Sunday 20th of September, 2020, Museveni said that after a long period of over five months, schools will reopen to allow finalists to complete the syllabus and sit for their national examinations.

“We have decided to reopen schools for candidate classes including P.7, S.4, and S.6 plus finalists in tertiary institutions like colleges and universities. We believe that the number of these is small ” Museveni says.

On top of that, he explains more that according to experts,  it is safe for finalists to resume because they are only 1.5 million which represents only 10% of the total number of 15 million learners in the country.

“Each group will have a bigger space for social distancing. If they follow Standard Operating Procedures, they will be safe. The cost of waiting any further is very high because of the jam of transition.”

“If the batch of 2020 don’t move on, what will happen to a batch of 2021? We can’t afford to have both in 2021. It can be done safely if people cooperate ” he adds.

Museveni, however, noted that non-finalists can only be thought of in January thus declaring it a dead year.

Previously, private school owners have called upon the government to come to their help since they borrowed money from various financial institutions.

Therefore President Museveni, assisted by getting loans from the Uganda Development bank whereas private teachers can make use of the shs20 billion put in their Sacco.

Museveni said since Ugandans have tested both scenarios of no deaths because of the lockdown and one of laxity and death, they should be careful with their lives.

“Our scientists are sure if people strictly adhere to guidelines, they will be safe. Many people moved on by listening to the advice of false prophets that the virus was not there. In this case, by showing negligence and disobedience we are reaping more sickness and deaths,” he said.

“We should put emphasis on the observation of SOPs. Provided SOPs are strictly followed at a personal and group level, the virus can be contained.”

In accordance with the 14th presidential address, which raised hopes of going back to schools, parents and students have been in preparations but all their wishes landed on deaf ears.

Currently, Uganda is easing the lockdown by allowing some businesses that were suspended to operate. The major one being public transport which is to operate at half capacity.

Uganda has recorded 6287 cases and only 63 deaths since the first case of Coronavirus was recorded in March.

Important External Links on this article

Go to Ministry of Health Website for latest Updates on COVID-19

State House Uganda Website

Ministry of Education Uganda Website

Sunday, September 20, 2020




The signature of Makerere University has caught fire leaving invaluable property and records shut down.

According to Deputy Police Spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire, the fire is believed to have started at midnight from the roof spreading to floors that house both records and finance departments. Fire and rescue services responded and managed to contain its spread, however, several offices were affected.

“The Police Fire Brigade is trying to put out the fire which has now covered almost half of the roof. It’s a trying moment for us,” the university tweeted.

On top of that, also offices of records, Finance, Vice Chancellor's, Audit Administration and the basement full of archive files spanking the whole University history are all destroyed.

According to the university, efforts to save the left-wing of the building which houses the Human Resources and staff records of the university were being defeated by the highly powerful flames whose blaze was increased by the wooden furnishings.

Julius Katerega, the institution's guild president says, " the face of Makerere University has been destroyed because those were one of the most important centers of our university".

However, Barnabus Nawangwe, the Makerere University Vice-Chancellor advice and promise all the student, staff, and the public that the ivory tower is to be restored as soon as possible.

" It is a very dark morning for Makerere University. Our iconic Main Administration Building caught fire and the destruction is unbelievable. But we are determined to restore the building to its historic state in the shortest time possible. " He tweeted.

Currently, the fire has come as Uganda is on wait for today's presidential speech on the COVID-19 situation. Parents and students are eagerly hoping to have education institutions open.

About the main building

According to Makerere University, the Main Administration Building was completed in 1941 under the leadership of George C. Turner, the Principal, Makerere College (1939-46).

Earlier in 1938, the duke of Gloucester, representing His Majesty King George VI had cut the first sod for the construction of the building on 3rd November.

The Main Building with its unique 20th-century British architecture is easily Makerere’s most recognizable symbol and was constructed with funds from the Colonial Development hours.

The building’s construction was greatly delayed by a scarcity of resources to purchase materials as Britain and her allies grappled with the expenses of World War II.

As a result, some of the carpentry work had to be done on-site at the Technical College.

The Principal then focused on turning Makerere into a University College and establishing buildings. As a result both the St. Francis and St. Augustine Chapels were completed in the same year 1941 and by 1944, plans for the establishment of a School of Civil Engineering at Makerere were already being discussed by the British House of Common.

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